(idm) gescom 'sounds...'

From Alex Reynolds
Sent Mon, Jan 4th 1999, 20:51

'go sumo' is a horrible track, which makes one appreciate the excellent
tracks 'go sheep' and 'puzl' that much more.

on rainy, introspective days, i often wonder if 'go sheep' is a weird and
perverted inside joke at the expense of the welsh; or perhaps a weird and
perverted inside joke at the expense of the mindless prats who buy into the
whole music culture, go the raves, eat the drugs, etc. then again, the
music could mean absolutely nothing, a subtle anthem to nihilism. you just
can't take their music at face value with a title like that; the
imagination must run free and unfettered.


>Date: Mon, 4 Jan 1999 00:56:07 -0500 (EST)
>From: Brock Phillips <xxxxx@xxxxx.xxx.xxx>
>Subject: (idm) gescom sounds 12" query
>Just played "Puzl" on my radio show, and I was wondering - is the rest of
>the "Sounds of Machines" 12" this good, or is "Puzl" the standout track?
>The version I have is off the Andrea Parker DJ Kicks vinyl, and I've never
>heard "Sounds" myself. How does the rest compare?

Alex Reynolds                               Distributed Support Specialist
Department of Biology                  School of Arts & Sciences Computing
University of Pennsylvania                                Philadelphia, PA
email:xxxxxxxx@xxx.xxxxx.xxx                            phone:215.573.2818
Interviewer--what do the words mean?   Brian Eno--what do the chords mean?