(idm) Not for Threes and Your Hi-Fi

From artist
Sent Wed, Jan 21st 1998, 17:58

>Anyhow, Not for Threes is defintely one of my favourites of last year.
>More tuneful than a sack of Val Doonican, groovier than Rolf Harris and
>Esquivel combined, warmer than honey on toast and a mug of tea.

you said it :-)

not for threes is a bit of an odd one - on your average budget separates
hi-fi, with piss-poor matchbox-sized speakers, it sounds dead bland and way
over-produced, unlike the music for adverts disc, which was made for systems
like that..  but put not for threes on a system with power and frequency
range (e.g the 400W 30hz-60khz hybrid PA system at me mate's) and the whole
thing comes to life!  prague radio is a stunning track if you hear it on a
system capable of recreating the acoustic expansiveness of the track.  music
for adverts sounds limp on that setup...

so there you have it..  the two camps are travelling down very different
roads.  who's right?  who knows..


np - shoebox - little miss trinitron