Re: (idm) 2 minidisc queries

From Jeremy Wells
Sent Fri, Jun 19th 1998, 00:26

> Judging by some of the responses I have received about the second
> query I made, I feel I may not be expressing myself very well. I do 
> actually own a minidisc recorder at the moment which I use to sample 
> from to make music on my PC. I was just wondering whether filtering 
> and other manipulations would bring out the difference in quality
> between a sample from a minidisc and one from a CD (assuming that I
> hadn't noticed one before filtering). 

Why not try this and see if you can tell a difference? You could record
something from a CD onto a Minidisk. Sample direct from the CD, and apply
your mods. Then sample from the Minidisk and apply your mods. Is there a
difference? My gut feel is the only difference you *might* hear is a
difference in levels. Most of the same distribution of frequencies should
be in a sample that originated from a minidisc so as far as filtering
goes, it should sound the same...
