Re: (idm) re: exp. time sigs

From Crtrdge003
Sent Fri, Jul 9th 1999, 21:36

In a message dated 7/9/99 12:30:57 PM Mountain Daylight Time, writes:

> > my problem with 3/4:
>  > it never fails to remind me of waltzes.
>  > i hate waltzes.
>  > 6/8, now:  there's a time signature i'm ok with.
>  call me ignorant, but without resorting to heavy musical theory, what
>  exactly is the difference between 3/4 & 6/8?  mathematically they're the
>  same exact thing.

In music there is something known as phrasing. When you play music, say for 
example on a piano, you naturally put a little bit of emphasis on the first 
note of each measure. When writing a song the composer must determine using 
his own judgment what time sig a song must be written in. If he hears 6 8th 
notes hitting.. meaning that he hears a new measure restarting after every 6 
8th notes, then the song would be written in 6/8. Meaning he hears an 
emphasis put on the first note of the measure,..  the phrases of the piece of 
music are structured accordingly to this pattern. Yeah, I'm not very good 
with words and I don't much care, I aints done much a' that readin stuff like 
y'all have.
