(idm) The Advent Website

From Erkki Rautio
Sent Fri, Jan 23rd 1998, 14:11

Does anyone know the current whereabouts of The Advent Web site? 
It used to be at <http://deathstar.netropolis.be/w3ultra/advent>,
but now my browser can't locate that server.

erkki rautio, also known as pHinn
* the webmaster of pHinnWeb - the old skool, the nu skool and the pHuture  *
* skool of Finnish electronic music                                        *
* xxxxxx@xxx.xx | http://www.uta.fi/~trerra | http://www.sci.fi/~phinnweb  *
* cocktail stealth  ->  <http://www.sci.fi/~phinnweb/cocktailstealth.html> *